Tummy Tuck Photos - Case #2370

Patient Case #2370

Many men choose cosmetic surgery after weight loss to help trim away loose skin and lingering fat. At age 19, this young man had lost almost 100 pounds through diet and exercise, but even though he was pleased with his new shape overall, he still felt self-conscious about the extra skin that was hanging from his abdomen and chest. He researched his options for different cosmetic surgeons and decided to meet with a board-certified Beverly Hills area plastic surgeon at Marina Plastic Surgery Associates.

At his consultation he explained that he was interested in male breast reduction surgery and possibly a tummy tuck. His surgeon examined him and agreed that he would be a great candidate for both procedures, and they scheduled a time for surgery.

A tummy tuck is very similar for both men and women, but male breast reduction is very different from female breast reduction. Unlike women, some men can get good results with liposuction alone, and even in cases where men will need some skin or glandular tissue removed, the incision is much smaller and positioned differently. The result is a firmer, flatter, and more angular appearance that fits much better with the male physique.

This young man’s combined procedure has dramatically improved his body contour, and the results are evident even at this point in the healing process. His chest looks flatter and firmer, his tummy tuck in Los Angeles has tightened his abdomen considerably, and his whole body looks much younger. The small scars on his chest are still visible this soon after surgery, but they will continue to fade, and in about a year they should be very difficult to notice.

Tummy Tuck
Tummy Tuck
Tummy Tuck
Tummy Tuck
Tummy Tuck
Tummy Tuck